Welcome back to another era in the Toms River area's past, one century ago this week!
Let your mind wander as you consider life around April 1922, courtesy the New Jersey Courier weekly newspaper and Ocean County Library archives, and peppered with items of maritime interest (around a 25 minute read). BREVITIES AND EDITORIALS
(written by NJ Courier editor, William H. Fischer, as he sat at his desk above Main Street near Washington Street; it was much like a collection of online social media updates seen today)
Fourth month. Spring is on its way. Pansies are in bloom. One quarter of 1922 is gone. Dandelions are blooming this week. Fruit trees in bloom. Danger of forest fires now. Boats are being overhauled. Paperhangers and painters are hustling. Housewives are deep in the mysteries of spring cleaning. Presto, chango—One day bare limbs, next day green leaves and bright blossoms. A number of Toms River people were at the opening of the Strand Theatre last night in Lakewood. Fire Commissioners Grover, Crabbe, Richtmeyer and Buckwalter motored to Bridgeport, Conn, on Wednesday to see a Packard pumping engine. The Packard Company have offered the proposition for an engine here... where the amount of money on bond is considered. Picnic parties in the woods gather maypinks and pyxie. The Fire Commission find that there are so many apparently good automobile pumpers that it is a hard job to make a choice. The Toms River Poultry Development Co. have begun work on their poultry farm plan in Berkeley, on the hill south of the P.R.R. [today, a sizeable portion of South Toms River Borough] Boatbuilders are busy as bees overhauling boats, and building new ones. This is the first spring any new boats have been built, to speak of, since 1916. The high school starts off its baseball schedule today with a game here with Manasquan. It would have been a good stunt for the boys to have fixed up the fence and grandstand before inviting visitors from out of town. Former Judge W.H. Jeffrey was reelected president, and Mrs. Edward Crabbe, vice-president of the Dover Township Board of Education, on Monday evening, at the annual meeting. Last night a session was held with Architect Cook, of Asbury Park, on his plans for a new school house. The American Constructing Company has started to remodel the north half of the old Union House, for Chas. Shull, the new owner. The lower floor will be made into one store with a stairway to reach apartments that are to be remodeled on the second floor. Mr. Shull, who has moved from Ambler, Pa., to Seaside Heights, where he is a member of council, will carry on business in the store. Swamp maples are full of red blossoms. Looked something like an old time first Tuesday of court this week, a number of prominent citizens being on hand to greet the new Judge and Prosecutor. The weeping willows and crab apples were the first trees to leave out. A few warm days will make the fruit buds burst. You can hear the hammer and saw wherever you go these days. County Agent Waite will move his office from the courthouse to the Traco building, and Prosecutor Jayne will take the room in the courthouse now occupied by the County Agent. A 26-inch I-bear was put across the front of the Schwarz & Jeffrey Store, Tuesday, to hold the weight of the upper stories, by L.J. Hutchinson, who is remodeling the store front. Girls are skipping rope and baseball is taking up the spare time of most of the boys. Complaint is made that boys about the town are breaking electric street lamps with their bean-shooters. The Ocean County Poultry Producing Association has moved its packing house from the big concrete bungalow in Berkeley to the concrete building opposite the station that was formerly the Square Deal garage. Edward Crabbe has the old cup winner Gem up at Morton Johnson's boatyard, at Bay Head, for overhauling. Most of her timbers are sound and true. Mr. Crabbe is also having a bank skiff built at Lavallette by Chas. Hankins. Fire Company No. 2 at its meeting in the Ocean house grille, on last Friday, had talks from Chief Buckwalter, also former Chief Kuss of New York. A committee was named to explain to the Fire Commission the purpose of the Co. and have territory assigned to respond to in case of fire. President Novins said the aim was to protect property in the outlying districts, now without protection, and act as auxiliary to Company No. 1. As soon as funds are secured, a chemical and pumper will be bought. Late subscriptions are: $10, Oldsmobile Co.; $5 – Dr. Cook, Dr. Brouwer, J. L. Yoder, Frank W. Goodrich of Beachwood. Funds now totals $354. Some of the boys started the swimming season Monday. Clayton C. Wills has bought the Berkeley Arms property in Berkeley. He already owned the tract to the south of it. The firemen have been called out several times the past week. Saturday morning they went to Bayville, where Amos Falkenburgh's house was on fire, but had been put out before they got there. Tuesday afternoon they were called over to A.W. Dorsett's in Berkeley, to help fight a woods fire. Later in the afternoon, another head of this same fire, farther west, crossed the brook, jumped the Central Railroad, and threatened Gus Ireland's poultry farm on the Lakehurst road, so that the firemen had another alarm. Kenneth Lillie has purchased a radio receiving set to be installed in the Toms River store of the Oldsmobile Co. of South Jersey. The Strand Theatre, Ferber's and Lakewood's latest in the amusement line, opened last night. Both the Strand and the Palace will give vaudeville as well as motion pictures. Blossom time. Green grass everywhere. Violets bloom in the grass. Days grow longer all the time. Memorial day is the next holiday. Maple trees are uncrumpling their bronze-green leaves. Swamp maples are coloring up with flaming seed vanes. John P. Kirk, who started the famed Kirk boat yards at Toms River in 1885 and built many well known yachts here, tells the Courier that he will resume yacht building on the James R. Hensler property, west of Main street bridge. During and since war times he was associated with the Shipping Board's ship building program. Ben Asay won a shooting match last Saturday at Rote's boatshops, Island Heights. Ben says he can shoot as good as most of the boys yet. Edward Louis Crabbe, of Toms River, N.J., has been elected a member of the Cap and Gown Club, at Princeton University. Cap and Gown is one of the upper-class eating and social clubs. Mr. Crabbe is a member of the Sophomore Class. He prepared for Princeton at Berkshire School, where he was active in football, hockey, baseball and school publications, being an editor of the Class Book. Edward Longstreet, of New Egypt, is charged with shooting a pet dog belonging to the family of Edward Tantum. The killing was reported to the Ocean County S.P.C.A., at Lakewood. Violets are plentiful. Ice formed the past week. Some fruit bloom killed. Did you see and hear the meteor? C.H. Bond is now working at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station. Steiners' factory this week began running five days a week instead of four. Business, it is thought, is on the mend. Beach plum bushes white with blossoms. Chickenpox makes its yearly spring visit. The demand for houses keeps up—not enough to go around. Children have been playing with the old game of ball and elastic this week. We are to have a shade tree commission to look after our streets and parks. Fire alarms come along pretty often. The fires must know Toms River has two companies now. A wood's fire at Mill Creek, between Ocean Gate and Pine Beach, resulted in a fire alarm early Tuesday evening. Lilacs are blooming. Circus bills bloom with spring—show on May 2. It is understood that it is the show that wintered at Bamber. Judge M.L. Berry has bought a 68 foot yacht and will bring it here from New York next week. HEADLINE NEWS
METEOR, EXPLODING, HEARD FIFTY MILES OR MORE A flaming meteor passed over this section on Sunday night last, April 23, at 8:50 o'clock, and apparently exploded out to sea off Long Beach. At this place it seemed to come down almost out of the zenith, pass to the northeast and disappear. Some say they saw it explode, others that it just vanished. An explosion that followed was heard from Atlantic City on the south, to Asbury Park, on the north, or further, and as far inland as Brown's Mills. The meteor has been the talk of the entire shore, and filled front page headlines in the city dailies. Everyone who saw it, saw it differently, in the various accounts. Some say the light was green, and some purple, and some yellow. Some say that the meteor was followed by a flaming tail; some say the tail was a stream of sparks, and some saw no tail. Others just saw the bright light, and did not see the meteor at all. Others described it as a huge ball of fire. Investigations all along the coast by Superintendent John Cole, of the Coast Guards, brought reports that the meteor had been seen making its way southward and disappeared in the ocean, off shore, south of Little Egg Harbor Coast Guard Station, according to the coast guards stationed there... At Toms River it was variously estimated that there was from two to five minutes between seeing the meteor burst and hearing the noise of the explosion. If it were three minutes that would put the meteor 36 miles away, or below Beach Haven, when it burst, which seems to be as close as we can locate it... YOHO! WEAKFISH! YOHO! Our Forked River letter says that weakfish are in the bay, and that Wats Penn, that redoubtable bayman, netted some last Friday. Get out your tackle, boys. TWO SUMMER HOMES BURNT ON MONEY ISLAND BLUFF Two of the finest summer homes on the top of Money Island bluff were burnt to the ground on Sunday afternoon last, April 23. The fire started in a new house, just completed last year, and owned by William Donnelly, and spread to the home of Harry Van Belle, both of which were a complete loss. The homes of Theodore Bonner, on one side of these two buildings, and that of William McNulty and Earl Ellis, on the other side, were saved by a bucket brigade, which hoisted water by the bucketful from the river up the face of the sixty-foot bluff, and kept the exposed parts of these two houses wet with water and mud. Toms River firemen answered the alarm, and the shovels and buckets brought by No. 2 were of great value. Chief Buckwalter, of No. 1, by mutual consent of the miscellaneous groups of volunteers, was given direction of them all. Seaside Park firemen brought their Reo pumper, and Seaside Heights firemen their Ford pumper, and the former, aided by the latter's hose, ran a stream from the river at the yacht club up the hill. Much of the furniture was taken from the buildings. The Donnelly family had left their house for Philadelphia about a quarter of an hour before the fire started. Some say the fire started from the fireplace, where there had been an open fire; others say it seemed to have started in the living room, but on the opposite side of the fireplace. The loss is placed at more than $15,000. DAYLIGHT SAVING ADOPTED The Township Committee last Friday also put forth a proclamation, to be found in this issue of The Courier, adopting daylight saving time, beginning 2 A.M. Sunday, April 30, and continuing till the same hour of the last Sunday in September. It is understood that both the Central and Pennsylvania Railroads will run their trains on the old time, but one hour ahead of the present schedule. FIRE COMPANY NO. 2 HAS CHARTER FROM STATE NOW Toms River Fire Company, No. 2, is now a corporate entity, having this week been incorporated, and having received from Trenton its charter. The boys have bought from A.C. King a Packard twelve-cylinder, the chassis of which they expect to use to mount a chemical and pumping outfit, so that they can answer alarms from out in the country. The total cost of this outfit is expected to be about $5000, including $850 paid for the Packard. They now have $262.50 in cash and $206 in subscriptions, totaling to date $525.
Work is progressing favorably at the Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, on the new rigid airship, or dirigible balloon that the navy is building from the plans of a German Zeppelin, changed somewhat by the British and American engineers. It is expected that the ship will be completed by July, 1923. It will be the biggest thing of its kind unless some other nation should in the meantime launch a bigger one. ALLIGATORS IN CHEVROLET WINDOW STOPPED EVERYBODY It is safe to say that everybody who has passed the Chevrolet window at Main and Washington streets, in the Veeder building, the past few days, stopped to look at the alligators there. Children have been particularly interested, but grown-up folks were held up by this curious window display. The alligators were part of a scheme to advertise the film, “A Fool's Paradise,” that will be shown at the Traco tonight and tomorrow. The window was placarded with legends telling of the show. The alligators were of the Florida variety, and one died the first day it was in the window. BASEBALL IN THE AIR, BUT WHERE IS TOMS RIVER? Baseball seems to be coming to its own, and the fans are asking where is the Toms River team for 1922? Well, it looks as though a good part of the old Toms River team were in the big league game. Wid Conrow is coach for the Phillies and “Park” is battling the ball heavy for the same team. J. Howard Berry is with the Giants; and Tam Brown, Bill VanKirk and Bill Gwyer are with Joe Magrath's Lakewood team, though the two Bills could be pulled back if there was talk of baseball at Toms River. Lakewood has a good team this year and is out for blood. Word comes from Mt. Holly that these old rivals of Toms River are putting forth efforts to build up a good ball team. Baseball in fact is starting up all around. And the fans won't be satisfied without a team at T.R. TWO BEACH-FRONT HOUSES BURNED AT SEASIDE PARK Coming down to Seaside Park to spend the Easter week end, the families of William C. Coles and Henry B. Coles, of Moorestown, were awakened about 2 o'clock Easter morning and managed to escape from their summer home with their lives, and not much else. Their handsome summer home, at Ocean Avenue and Seventh Avenue, was a total loss, and the cottage next door, belonging to Joseph F. Richards, of New York, was also badly damaged, the loss aggregating about $15,000. The Coles families escaped as they did because Caldwell Van Roden, a neighbor, who had also come down to his cottage for Easter, happened to look out and see the flames. He hurried over to the Coles house, to give the alarm, battering in the door before he could wake the occupants. They were able to grab what clothing was close at hand, and grope their way out of the house through all the dense and stifling smoke, dressing after they reached the outdoor air. The house in a few moments was a mass of flames. The Coles brothers are sons of the late C.B. Coles, the Camden lumber dealer, who was one of the Seaside Park Land Company in the late nineties. They motored down with a party of twelve, mostly young folks, to spend the holiday, reaching Seaside Park Saturday noon. After a pleasant evening, much of which was spent around a driftwood fire in the fireplace, they had gone to bed in the second and third stories of the frame cottage and were in sound slumber. They had to borrow hats and wraps from the neighbors... KINSEY BOUGHT LUMBER ON WRECKED SCHOONER WOOTTEN J.B. Kinsey, of High Point [now part of Harvey Cedars] last week bought from the underwriters the cargo of some 400,000 feet of lumber on the wrecked schooner Orlando B. Wootten, on the beach at Forked River Coast Guard Station, just north of the Inlet. This cargo is composed of flooring, two by fours, and box shooks. Kinsey is now engaged in getting it out and lightening it in the Inlet. The schooner was last week stripped of her sails and cordage by Capt. J.F. Wilbert, of Forked River, acting for the owners. TOMS RIVER AND BAYVILLE WON SPELLING BEE HONORS At the county spelling be at the Toms River Opera House, last Friday evening, March 31, at which all the high schools but one, and twenty-three grade schools were entered, the honors were taken by Toms River, in high school contest, and by Bayville in the grade school contest. Toms River also won the spelling bee portion of the grade competition. This is the second time Toms River has won in the high school contest, and for the second year it holds the J. Leonard Clark spelling trophy, offered by Mr. Clark to Ocean County high schools in annual competition. Should it win next year, the trophy will be held permanently. Toms River spelled down all comers in both spelling bees.
The Barnegat Bay section is promised a flying boat service again this summer, when Delos Thomas, the world record flier, and his business manager, J.E.C. Brown, are expected to be on the bay again as they were last fall. These two men were last year with the Aeromarine Airways, Inc. and have just finished a successful season in Florida for the same company. Mr. Brown was in Toms River on Wednesday making arrangements for next summer, and told The Courier that they had bought a flying boat of their own, and would operate it themselves. While in Florida this winter Thomas carried a thousand passengers between Key West and Havana without a mishap, a record of which he is very proud. Next summer Thomas and Brown expect to operate in Barnegat Bay and Toms River resorts, also Little Egg Harbor, from Bay Head to Beach Haven. PINE BEACH MAN IN DEPUTY REVENUE COLLECTOR JOB William L. Liming, formerly station agent at Pine Beach, received word yesterday that he had been appointed Deputy Revenue Collector under Collector E.L. Sturgess, and that he was to report May 1, in Camden, for duty. Mr. Liming was recommended by Senator Hagaman, Congressman Appleby and County Chairman A.W. Brown, Jr. His experience in clerical work will, it is believed, be of great assistance in the new job. COSTLY FOREST FIRES Fred Buhell, a newcomer of Whitesville road, started his boys cleaning up and burning weeds and brush Sunday, in a young gale. 300 acres of timber was burnt over and it cost $200 to fight it. Buhells hearing is at 10 a.m. Saturday. The same day (Easter Sunday) an auto picnic party, roasting eggs by the roadside, burnt 500 acres of the finest timber in the New Egypt district near Davisville school. RADIO WAVES OF TOMS RIVER How many amateurs have heard the two new broadcasting stations, Philadelphia—W.F.L. Strawbridge & Clothier, and W.I.P. Gimbel Bros. Gilbert Ebere, of Beachwood, is now building and assembling his own radio set, which is composed of a cleverly made spider web inductance, audion detector and one stage amplifier. It is planned at the Sesquicentennial celebration in Philadelphia to tap the Liberty Bell, the sound of which will be broadcasted from a nearby transmitting station. RESCUED BOY FROM DROWNING Allan, the five year old son of Daniel Johnson, fell in the river at Main street last Friday. Ed Hyers, who was at the dock, selling fish, pulled the boy out, saving his life. No reporter would tell the story as well as Allan—“I was on the boat 'n' the boat rocked 'n' rocked, it did, 'n' I felled in. First I swimmed a little, 'n' then I got my arms crossed 'n' I couldn't swim any more. I tried to scream, 'n' couldn't, 'cause every time I opened my mouth, nen the river runned in. Nen I sticked up both my hands 'n' a boy he see me 'n' pulled me out 'n' my daddy carried me home, he did.”
Caught in a brush fire that lasted two days on the beach, the Ortley Inn and a cottage adjoining it were destroyed on Wednesday, April 26. The day before Peter Johnson's house, at Ortley and the shed at the railroad, which did duty as a station, were both burned. The fire started on Tuesday, and swept round in a circle, as the wind shifted. The beach at Ortley is covered with thickets of bayberry, wild cherry, grasses and brush, all of which was like so much tinder for the fire. A hundred people were out Wednesday morning, trying to save the Ortley Inn, but were unsuccessful. The inn belonged to Dr. Lord, of Mt. Holly. It was of late not used as a hotel, though a few summers ago it was occupied by the Y.W.C.A. as a summer camp. The Ortley tract was bought in the eighties by a group of New Brunswick people from the Ortley family, who had lived there many years. The inn was built and a few houses, but the development was not a success financially or otherwise. DEVELOPMENT AT WOODMANSIE Another development is being undertaken in the Pines, near Woodmansie, something on the scale of the Cedar Crest tract at Bamber. A number of Moorestown people have formed a company, bought a large tract there, and have been setting out orchards and planning to put in various other crops on a large scale. They use the tractor for their work. LIQUOR SMUGGLER POCOMOKE TO BE SOLD BY U.S. COURT The schooner Pocomoke, part of whose smuggled cargo of whiskey was cached near Barnegat last summer, will be sold on April 17, by order of Judge Joseph L. Bodine, of the U.S. Courts, to satisfy claims against her. The craft was seized at Atlantic City last summer by the federal authorities. The auction will be held at Atlantic City. SWEET POTATO CLUBS TO COMPETE FOR GWYER CUP Capt. Edgar L. Gwyer has offered a silver cup to be competed for this summer by the boys' and girls' club members in the raising of sweet potatoes. It is expected that a number of the garden club members this year will make the sweet potato their special crop, and the one with the best display of sweets next fall, will get the Gwyer Cup. These boys and girls will have the privilege of studying the sweet potato demonstrations carried on by farmers in the county who are cooperating with County Agent Waite and the County Board of Agriculture, under the direction of specialists Schermerhorn, Poole and Nissley, of the State Agricultural College and Experiment Station. Miss Elsie Horne, the County Club agent, is planning to take delegates from each community where sweet potato work is being carried on to visit these demonstrations. BARNEGAT'S GRAVEL ROAD TO COST $8000 PER MILE Costing at the rate of $8000 per mile, a stretch of two and a quarter miles of gravel road, west of Barnegat, on the cross-state road, toward Buddtown, Burlington County [today Route 72], was let on Tuesday of this week, April 4, to Albert W. Hopkins, of New Egypt, for $18,139.20. There were two other bids: C.W. Mathis & Co., Seaside Park, $19.472.85; and Oscar Parker, West Creek, $22,706.75. Another cross-state cut-off was given a start when Lacey Township Committee presented a check for $500, and asked the county for county aid on Lacey Road, between Forked River and Cedar Crest [the area where Popcorn Park Zoo now stands]. The county will put $1500 to this and go as far as the money can be made to stretch on this nine-mile road. Next year presumably more will be done... Hooper Avenue, Toms River, from Washington Street to the Brick Township line, at Silverton, was taken over by the Freeholders as a county road.
Wednesday a fire, or rather two fires, cleaned up the timber on the Thomas B. Gilford estate, known as Holly Rest, and on the Charles D. Brackenridge property adjoining, sweeping along Washington Street [today part of which is Route 37] from the Central Avenue entrance to Island Heights, all the way to the bay meadows. It also jumped the road and burned the timber on the north side. There was much fine white oak and other valuable timber on these tracts. All Island Heights and the countryside turned out to fight the fire, under Division Warden J.E. Abbott, of Toms River. Fire Co. No. 2, of Toms River, went down and help came over from the Beach. The fire, however, went on till it burned itself out. The worst fire in many years raged between Lakewood and Point Pleasant and Manasquan Wednesday and Thursday. Valiant fighting, by the whole neighborhood only saved many houses, at least ten of which were on fire at times, as reported by District Warden Abbott. The Point Pleasant, Lakewood and other fire companies with chemicals were of the greatest service in this fire. The loss is very heavy. CAVE MAN INSANE, AND SENT TO STATE HOSPITAL Having lived in a dugout on the outskirts of Lakewood all winter, Henry A. Nehring is now in comfortable quarters in the State Hospital, at Trenton. He was pronounced insane by Drs. E.C. Disbrow and Frank Brouwer, and on Thursday last Judge Newman signed the papers committing him to the hospital, to which he had been taken from the county jail. Nehring was brought to the county jail some weeks ago. He claims that he has considerable property in Germany and has wealthy relatives there. When picked up he had some little cash, nearly $40, in his pockets. His peculiar actions and his manner of living led people to think him demented. FELL TWENTY FEET, BUT LIT ON HIS FEET, CATLIKE Morgan Sickler, a bricklayer, who has been working about here for some time, had a narrow escape from death at Ocean Gate Saturday morning. He had gone down there to work for H.W. Ellis, and while wandering around, climbed a ladder to the water tank and fell off. His fall is estimated at least 20 feet. He lit on both feet. He was taken to Kimball Hospital by Dr. Brouwer, and is now declared to be O.K. again. No bones broken. FISH AND GAME Large quantities of herring are being caught in upper Barnegat and its tributaries. They are peddled about Toms River for two cents each. The old price used to be five cents a dozen, but, compared with other food, they are cheap at 24 cents a dozen if you don't mind the bones. While walking through the woods on the river bank one day, recently, A.D. Nickerson, of Beachwood, saw a fish hawk rise from the water, struggling with a fish. The hawk flew over him, and either the fish was too much for it, or the sight of the man at close quarters, frightened the hawk, for it dropped its prey. Nickerson looked about a big and found an 18-inch pike. Reports from Tuckerton and Beach Haven say that summer flounders are in the inlets and bays. Some local anglers have been whipping Cedar Creek for trout. There seems to be considerable demand for island and meadow points along the bays, and clubs are buying them up wherever they are for sale. Rehearsing the old-time fishing in the waters of the northern part of the state, around Newark and Raritan Bays, and the Staten Island Kills, the Newark Call says that the pollution of these up-state waters has ended fishing there for the most part for good and all, and that the pollution is spreading. And it adds: So we must look elsewhere for our salt water fishing, and that will be Barnegat Bay. An appropriation has recently been made by the legislature for the purpose of connecting Barnegat Bay with the Manasquan River, a connection which, when completed, will flood the upper section of the bay with rich salt water and that will aid in keeping the bay in excellent condition and will provide a larger area of spawning grounds. PERSONALS Mr. LeChard, of Atlantic City, who has done a great deal of dredging and filling in Barnegat Bay district, was in Toms River Monday. He said he was completing a contract for Mr. Smith, of New York, at Bay Head, where he is dredging a thousand foot channel in from Inland Waterway to Mr. Smith's dock on the bay shore below Bay Head. His son, Russell, who was shot up in the World War, is in charge of the job, having recovered sufficiently to get around on the job. When the job is done the have a sub-contract on the Main Shore road between Mullica River bridge and Atlantic City, on the new section running from the Bridge to Smithville, and saving two and a half miles by cutting out the old road through Port Republic. This will require a bridge at Smithville, but the saving of road length is expected to offset the building of a new road and bridge. This road will be of warrenite surface, as anyone familiar with Atlantic County road building might have guessed. Andrew Applegate, assistant keeper of Barnegat lighthouse, has been spending a week at his home here. Mr. Leeland Campbell of Toms River and Miss Harriet Widmaier of Brooklyn were married yesterday at the Widmaier home in Brooklyn by Rev. W.W. Payne of the M.E. Church of Toms River. Miss Widmaier with her mother has been a summer resident of Beachwood, and this is the culmination of a Beachwood romance. Ferd Schoettle of Philadelphia spent the week end at the Ocean House, having just returned from a winter in Florida. Mr. Schoettle, who is a gunner and fisherman, said he had some fine quail shooting and fine freshwater angling, but that salt water fishing was poor this year, both at sea and in the surf, and in the bays. Marcus Russell is working at the Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, and quite a number of the younger men, who once worked there, have applications on file for jobs there. PERSONAL MENTION WITH LOCAL FLAVOR Former Mayor Howard D. VanSant, of Island Heights, for nearly fifteen years past U.S. Consul at Dunfermline, Scotland, had hoped to come home for a stay this summer, but says that the cost of travel is such he may have to stay in Scotland. Before the war the passage money was $75 each way; now it is $250 each way, and as he had planned to bring his daughter, Gretchen, now a girl of thirteen years, that would mean $1000 for passage money at the start. Mr VanSant has been in the consular service some twenty years, having been stationed at Guelph and Kingston, in Canada, before going to Scotland. He has not been home since before the great war. He is looking forward to retirement when he says he hopes to live at Island Heights, keep a sneakbox, shoot a few more crow ducks, catch a few more fish, and challenge Harry H. Groshong, of East Orange, to another match at clay birds. He says snipe, bluefish and peaches are among the joys of life that Scotland cannot afford, and he hopes to enjoy them once more. Just now he is buying an electric car from Buffalo, N.Y., shipped to him at Dumfermline, to allow him to negotiate the hilly streets of that ancient Scottish capital of Robert the Bruce. Mr. VanSant says that unfortunately there seems to be no material good as yet come out of the great war. There is in Scotland more poverty, misery, distress and discontent than in the days before the war, when living cost half what it does now. RECENT WEDDINGS Gaskill—Bishop George T. Gaskill, of Fort Hancock, a member of the Sandy Hook Coast Guard Station for a number of years, and a Tuckerton man, was married on March 26 at Sea Bright M.E. Church, by Rev. H.N. Amer, formerly of Beach Haven, to Miss Carrie Bishop, of Manahawkin. The groom is the son of former Oystershell Commissioner Josiah Gaskill, of Tuckerton; the bride is the daughter of Mrs. Annie Bishop, of Manahawkin. Strickland—Leman Arthur J. Strickland, son of former Mayor and Mrs. Alvah A. Strickland, of Bay Head, recently surprised his friends there by the announcement of his marriage last January to Mlle. Helena Leman, a young French woman. The wedding took place in Philadelphia, the bride living there as a teacher of French in the Agnes Irwin school for girls at twenty-second and Delancey Streets. She was attending school at Lille when the Germans captured that city, but her home was at Roubaix. She was inside the German lines for three years. After the war she came to this country three years ago. The groom was a University of Pennsylvania athlete and noted as a baseball pitcher in this country. He went to France in the U. of P. Ambulance Unit, in December of 1917, with the Rainbow Division. He is associated with his father in the real estate business at Bay Head. Campbell—Widmaier A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Freda Widmaier, 2537 Palmetto Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., on Thursday, April 20, when her daughter, Hattie W., became the bride of Mr. Clifford Leeland Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Campbell, of Toms River. At 11 A.M., to the strains of the wedding march rendered by Prof. Henry Braun, the ceremony was read by Rev. W.W. Payne, pastor of Toms River M.E. Church, the bride being given away by her mother. They were attended by Miss Carrie Thain, of Brooklyn, as maid of honor, and Mr. Marvin S. Campbell, the groom's brother, as best man. The bride wore white crepe de chine beaded, and carried a bridal bouquet of sweet peas and orange blossoms. The maid of honor wore a periwinkle crepe de chine, beaded, and carried a bouquet of sweet peas. After the ceremony, luncheon was served, the table decorations being green and white. The young people left by steamer for a bridal trip to New England. They will make their home at Toms River, where the groom, a former service man, is in the Central Railroad employ. The bride has been a frequent visitor at Beachwood, where her mother has a summer home. RECENT DEATHS David Furman David Furman, for forty-two years foreman of the New York and Long Branch Railroad round house, at Point Pleasant, died March 28, aged 71 years. He had been in the railroad employ fifty-two years. He was a native of New York, and was twice married. He leaves a widow, who was Mrs. Jennie Mount, of Freehold, and two sons by his first marriage—Leonard Furman, of Point Pleasant, and Noah Furman, of Jersey City. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Firemen. About four years ago he was injured at his work in the railroad switching yard, and had since failed. Charles H. Fletcher Dr. W.H. Ballou, Editor of the Science News Service, New York, writes: In the death of Charles H. Fletcher, April 9th, Barnegat Bay loses one of its most famous striped bass anglers. Many of us know him affectionately and will ever remember him. In former years he arrived in the bay, usually for the summer, in a large boat, with a few small craft for rowing or sailing, trailing behind. There was a succession of larger craft under the names of Jemima I, Jemima II, then Jemima III, wide houseboats in yacht form, with square beds and home interiors. I remember the day when the last named his largest, with motor engines, sailed proudly into the bay with all her colors flying, and her whistle sounding salutes to all who were passed. Mr. Fletcher's anchorage was in the mouth of Forked River, but he spent his evenings at the Riverside House, and often slept there. He had a car in the garage at his disposal, often having friends meet him at the depot, to take them on board a Jemima for a period. I remember also when all of his smaller craft, trailers, were equipped with motors, so he could fly from channel to channel before taking to oars for trolling. In the old days his favorite ground was the “Stone Heap”— a few acres hole in the marine grass, hard to find at high tide, but plainly visible at lower water. I think if a bass got into the Stone Heap accidentally nowadays it would commit suicide, as it is well filled with decayed vegetation and new marine plants. The Stone Heap was near my own favorite ground for luring big weakfish, called “Three Point Flat. So we often hobnobbed out on the shallow waters, and one day I got a fine snap shot at him with the camera as his boat sped past at the highest speed. It was a lucky snap, too, as it took his face fine, nearly his whole little boat and his companion, seated beside him, poles in hand and lines out. He was ever a kindly, gentlemanly, lovable man, a man one was glad to know. TOWN LIFE
John Chew has purchased a plot of land near the bay and will put it in small lots suitable for out-o-town people who would like to erect small shacks for spending a week's end at our bay. Such things help to bring people here. Anyone with a little capital could make a good investment by putting up a few such places on the knolls near the landing and renting them for fishing parties who would like to spend a few days at the shore. There are several ways we could be put on the map if we had enough interested people. It seems incredible how thoughtful the railroads of Jersey are for the public (their money). How generous and open-hearted they are. The traveling public cannot find words to express their thanks for the wonderful spell of generosity that has just been accorded them. Just think of it, a saving of fourteen cents (don't mistake the amount) provided you go to Philadelphia so as to be able to buy a return ticket from there to the shore resorts (we've just been put on that list) but one cannot get that big reduction from here—it's a straight fare. We see that many towns fine auto owners for parking on the streets without lights. Most any night it would be a harvest here for them as several can be seen any night without a light of any kind. A.W. Kelly has a radiophone in his home. With one of these installed one need not bother with victrolas or going to operas. Just set home, turn on the switch and you have all the things of interest brought right in your home. Our once quaint old country villages like all other things, have passed into the beyond. Years ago everyone knew each other, a neighborly feeling existed that is not there today. The few people lived in their slow, humble way far from the ways of the large cities and towns. Their wants were few and easily satisfied. They were not striving to outdo each other; styles did not bother them; the old country store could supply their every want; the young folks had their few pleasures, but such as they were everyone joined in and everybody enjoyed themselves. The surrounding farms were tilled, families were brought up on them with every comfort and necessity that those times seemed to want. Few young people went out of town for their mates, while it is seldom a marriage takes place today but the man or woman is not from a distant town. The farms for several years back were deserted, but recently the land agents have been reaping a harvest selling these places to foreigners whose idea of farming is quite as much limited as is most of their means, consequently after a short sojourn here they give up and went their way back to the cities where they find employment more suitable to their talents. Some come out to the country to make fortunes in poultry. Those who understand it can make good; those who find they don't, make a failure. There are some well-to-do people who come to the country for better homes, to get out of the crowded cities; most of these people are desirable citizens, make themselves a part of the community, take an interest in the affairs of the town, uphold churches and schools, and in every way help to make a town better. There is another class that never become citizens, have no interest in the affairs of the town, care not whether there are churches or schools; Sunday is the same to them as all other days; they spend as little as possible, live any old way just so they stay for awhile, then they are off, and the land agent puts the farm on the market again for the fellow who has hallucinations of gold mines in these worked-out farms. One hardly knows their neighbors these days and the streets are full of strange faces, which some years ago would have created some excitement to see a stranger. Our once quiet streets are teeming with autos, telephone and electric light poles confront us on all sides, fire plugs are along the sidewalks, department stores, shops of all kinds, banks, railroads; the once quiet Sabbath is now awakened with the shriek of the locomotive as it sweeps through our towns carrying pleasure-seekers to and fro. Our village streets, that once were silent and dark are not brilliant with electric lights, and one has to stop, look and listen before venturing to cross a street. Like Mohammed and the mountain, we do not take our country villages to the cities but the cities send out their surplus improvements and people to us. Some 75 or 80 years ago a man named Camburn, who lived in the suburbs of this town, brought a monkey from New York to his home. Ever since that time this little settlement has been known as “Monkeytown.” All the old settlers have been gone from that place for the last twenty or thirty years, and now and then a foreigner would settle on one of the old places, but finding rural life not what it seemed, pulled up stakes and vanished like the dew. Now some of these newcomers object to the name, but they nor several generations will never see that name removed, as it is a household word and been there too long to be easily effaced. Some years ago most people living at Warren Grove, Brookville and other places several miles from here usually came to town with a load of wood or charcoal. Today they have good roads and a car, and slip down here in a few minutes. Charcoal burning, once a prosperous business for those living back from here, has entirely disappeared. Most of the old settlers have passed away and foreigners have, as a rule, bought the farms, and the old charcoal box that we used to see come down loaded with coal has passed into oblivion. Before the railroads come here all the coal was carried out of our inlet by schooners; after the railroads came then it was a common thing to ship a load of charcoal but today a load of that sort of goods would be a curiosity. BARNEGAT CITY [today Barnegat Light Borough] The buoy tender Pine, with John Marshall, a former Barnegat City boy, in charge, is in the harbor, putting in new buoys and marking channels. Ground has been broken for two new houses, that of Engel Hoff and P.W.W. Kelly, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth Streets. Cranmer x Cranmer, of Manahawkin, have the contract and expect to have them ready for occupancy in June. M.V. Sutter, of South Orange, has had a charming looking little house erected close to his bungalow on the ocean front. Arne Hoff was the builder. The mackerel fishermen will all leave for the southern fishing, following the mackerel as they come north. BAY HEAD The Bay Head Water Co. has laid a new main from Main Street along Strickland Street, to the bay, to supply the new houses erected on the west side of the railroad tracks. The new street, to be known as Clayton Street, is about completed as far as the sub-grade, and is now ready for graveling. Joseph Stillwell, of Mantoloking, has the contract for grading. Osborn Avenue has had a heavy coat of cinders, and a nice white border of sand to fill the gutters; but it will be a great improvement over the mud, at that. Bridge Avenue has had a good top dressing of cinders and gravel, and it is hoped that it will be, in another winter, better than it was last. The Borough officials will meet with the P.R.R. officials Thursday to discuss a public crossing at Johnson Street. It is hoped that will allow the crossing, as it would be very convenient. A number of new houses under construction are nearing completion. There are several to be built at once. The new fire alarm, a siren, has been erected and is ready for a tryout. BEACH HAVEN There has been two new boats brought to our dock this week, the Sylvia, belonging to Clarence Parker, and will be run on daily trips between here and Atlantic City this summer. The second was the Agnes, belonging to Bus Hayes; it will be used by Mr. Hayes to carry fish from here to Atlantic City. The Agnes came from Bay Head. The A.A. Thompson Contracting Company who moved Bonds' station house last winter has sent a bunch of men down to do the finishing job of putting the cement foundation under it. Well, we have a passenger train again and it sure does sound good to hear it, for we can tell now when the mail comes in; the freight made several trips last week; the passenger train made its first Saturday morning. John Cranmer is raising and rebuilding the Hotel De Crab, which stands on the Dock road. This building is one of the oldest on the Beach, as it was one of the old life-saving station houses. After Mr. Cranmer gets through it will be a nice dwelling house. The Engleside is having an electric light plant installed. It will be completed by the opening of the season. Mr. Engle believes in having things up to date for his patrons. Ground was broken last week for the new motion picture theatre on Bay Avenue and Central Street. This business is owned by Harry Colmer and Leon Cranmer. They expect to have the new theatre ready for the coming season. Contractor Firman H. Cranmer is doing the work. BEACH HAVEN TERRACE A recent visitor here from the West, who had never before seen the ocean, paid a visit to the beach. Going up to one of the Coast Guards, he asked him for a bucket of water. It happened to be high tide when the guard gave him the water. He asked him how much it would be, so the wondering guard charged him fifteen cents. Coming back to the same place at low tide he saw the guard again. Going up to him he remarked: “Gee—you must do an awful business here!” BEACHWOOD Frank J. Turner, of Beachwood, for years the borough clerk and marshal there, has resigned his offices in that borough, to take the training course for the state police. Some time ago he passed the examination for that body, and when the force was increased fifty men by the last legislature, summons were sent out for the fifty chosen ones last Saturday, and Frank was one of the fifty, the only Ocean County man on the force. They will be put through three months rigid training—at Wilburtha Station, near Trenton. The Borough Commission has appointed Frank W. Goodrich as Borough Clerk, succeeding Frank J. Turner, who resigned to go into the State Police. Postmaster William Brown is planning a new home and perhaps post office, too, near the railroad station. CEDAR RUN [section of Stafford Township] Farming and all spring enterprises are being pushed to the limit and a very successful season is expected. With the progressive new talent that we have added to our part of the state we expect nothing but success. Farming and building are distinguishing features of this section and we are expecting this to be the most prosperous year in our history. C. Norman Taylor is to build a new bungalow on the railroad triangle, which is getting to be the important part of town. The tea room and ice cream parlor at the post office is in full swing. FORKED RIVER Forked River Public School will hold a public exhibit of school work on Thursday afternoon, April 13th, from 1 PM. Until 6 P.M. Besides the regular school work many pieces of handwork will be exhibited, such as windmills, boats, kites, autos, airplanes, dirigibles, etc., by the boys and some specimens of needlework, such as caps, aprons, tams, fancy pieces, crochet work on yoke patterns, laces, mats, doilies, etc. by the girls. Drawing and poster work will add interest to the occasion. In spite of the cold weather gardeners are putting in seeds. The Riverside Hotel will do some farming to supply the hotel with vegetables this summer. They have bought a Fordson tractor and other machinery, and will farm the Collins place. The Vaughn family also have bought a tractor for working their place. They will put out another peach orchard. A lot of our folks went over to 112 Coast Guard Station, to see the schooner ashore there. It was formerly a common sight every once in awhile, but wrecks are scarce in these days. George W. Rurode, the Jersey City lawyer, was here the past week, and is planning for the community building, promised by the will of the late Charles A. Smith. It will be a fine building, of hollow tile, on the Main State Highway in the center of the village. Capt. J. F. Wilbert has been stripping the schooner O.B. Wootten, ashore at station 112, for her owners; and has salvaged much sail and cordage. ISLAND HEIGHTS The sympathy of the entire community is with Mayor and Mrs. William T. Rote and Miss Glenna Mayer, in the sudden death of Mrs. Alice Mayer, mother of Glenna and daughter of Mrs. Rote, who passed away Sunday morning, at her mother's home, of double pneumonia. Mrs. Rote is very low with the same disease. Mrs. Mayer was born here, married here, and died here. She was a member of St. Philip's P.E. Church. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. Mr. Dersinger motored down last Wednesday to Stokes' yard to see his boat. Mrs. Allie Ayres has again very kindly given some more books to the public library, this time seventeen volumes of Boys of Liberty series, and we know the boys will be delighted. The many friends of Mrs. William Rote will be pleased to hear that she is much better after her serious illness and her complete recovery is expected. Charles Westcott has opened his butcher shop for the season, at the same old stand, and if his meat proves as good as his voice you will be sure of nice tender steak there. Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Davis are down seeing to the fitting up of the drug store for the season, which we understand the doctor will run himself. Walter Biddie and a friend were visitors to Stokes' boat yard, seeing to their boats. They are staying at Lavallette. Edward T. Fanning is coming back to Island Heights to open his summer boarding house here. This winter he has been connected with the Winthrop Arms Hotel, near Boston, at Winthrop Highlands, Mass., and has had a pleasant winter. Bert Diesinger and mother visited Stokes boatyard Friday to arrange to put their boat in commission. Little Charles, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eckhardt, is quite sick with the measles. LAKEHURST The Western Union Telegraph Co. is putting in new poles through the borough. LAVALLETTE Charles Hankins, the boat builder, has built a very fine boat for Mr. Crabbe, of Toms River. It is a dandy. Zack Gant, Life Guard, was in town looking over his new house, which is being built on Reese Avenue. MANTOLOKING Contractor Joseph Stillwell is preparing to rebuild the yacht club dock here. MONEY ISLAND This resort is now beginning to take on its seasonal appearance, judging by the number of visitors during the past week end. James Gegan, of Philadelphia, had quite a time shooting snakes with his B.B. It seems as if James will be going to Africa one of these days to shoot bigger game. NEW EGYPT Allie Horner has moved his restaurant from the store owned by Morris Himmelstein recently purchased from the Cowperthwait estate into the store owned by Edward Longstreet. Harry Feaster, of Jacobstown, will open a blacksmith shop at the corner of New Egypt—Allentown Road and Monmouth Road, near New Egypt, and will live in the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. John Robson. OCEAN GATE The Ocean Gate Fire Company held their monthly meeting in the Fire House on Monday evening last. Notices of the coming oyster supper have been sent around the town. Jacob Vogler is putting the finishing touches on the large Bagot Hotel on Wildwood Avenue. It is reported Richard Holt has rented his bungalow for the season to a family from Elizabeth, who will come here early this month for the summer season. Mr. and Mrs. Holt expect to leave soon for Barnegat for the summer, where they will have charge of the branch of the Palm House Bakery; also make candy at that place. Some of the members of the Street Committee and firemen have been busy this past week in burning off the lots around the town, which will make quite an improvement to the place. The Sunday excursion train starts running next Sunday, April 9, for the summer, this train being operated fully a month ahead of other years, and a large crowd is expected down for the day. It is reported C.M. Biernbaum is getting ready to build a new bungalow on Anglesea Avenue. Howard Bancroft has started work on the remodeling of the corner stores near the railroad. Colonel Bacon, of Pinewald and Asbury Park, was a Saturday visitor in this town. Looked like summer time had begun to see so many of our summer residents down this week. H.D. Black has started work on the new club house on the Ocean Gate A.A. [Athletic Association], near the ball grounds. Quite a large number of people came down on the Sunday excursion [train] last Sunday, but were late in getting home as this train was about one hour and twenty minutes late leaving here at night. The oyster supper given by the firemen on Saturday evening last was largely attended, and from latest reports, a nice sum was cleared. This money is to be used for a second story for the fire house. During July they will hold a three-day carnival in order to raise enough money to carry this addition through. The fine weather over Easter brought large crowds of people down both by train and auto. Seeing so many looked like the good old days of summer again. Well, it won't be long now. Raymond Keisel has just had a hot-water system installed in his milk house and will be ready early to supply the town with fresh milk this summer. Arnold Webster was down last week and opened the Swiss cottage. PINE BEACH Thomas Sheeran made a flying visit to Pine Beach on Tuesday, to look over his property at the river front. He came down on the morning train and left on the afternoon train. It is rumored that a new house is to be put upon the river front next to Mr. Butts'. Mrs. Staples, who has been occupying Mr. Cooper's home, is building a concrete house in Beachwood. Mrs. Smith leaves us on the first of May, when she turns the store over to the purchasers, Mr. and Mrs. Halligan. Mrs. Smith will be greatly missed here. She is to spend a few days as the guest of Mrs. Prettyman, on Avon Road. Clyde Phillips left last week for Philadelphia to arrange for the showing of his trained birds at Tenth and Luzerne Streets, in Philadelphia. Mrs. Phillips is to leave this week to join him. They are to spend ten days in Philadelphia and then tour near-by places in New Jersey. Mrs. Phillips expects to come home for Sundays for some time to come. Their engagements will last until next September. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have been spending a year's vacation at their home here, the Phillips' estate, which used to be formerly known as the Buhler House or the Burnett place. Norman Kennedy has been spending the winter in Beachwood, but is now occupying the Mitchell house, near the western boundary of Pine Beach. He has put up a radio outfit and is much interested in it. The new home of William Mill Butler, that is being built now, lies partly in Pine Beach. It is estimated this building will cost about fifty thousand dollars. The location is ideal and it has a beautiful view of the river. The river bank is being terraced and grass has been planted. Mrs. John McPeak and Miss Helen Murray came down on Wednesday to Captain Jenning's bungalow on Springfield Avenue. On Saturday John McPeak came down by train, and Mr. and Mrs. John Murray motored down in their new Oldsmobile. Kenneth MacElwee came with them and another young man. On Saturday night the party went to see the moving pictures at Toms River. The pink blossoms on the peach trees were wonderfully beautiful. Mrs. Smith, at the store, has a particularly beautiful tree. Trailing arbutus is out and rewarded the careful seeker for it. The grass in front of the houses on the river front is very thriving and adds to the appearance of Riverside Drive. Nothing has yet has been done about the docks at Henley Avenue, the Yacht Club, or at the Inn. The river is the chief asset of Pine Beach, and these docks are necessary in order that the river may be enjoyed and used by the residents of Pine Beach. Every one interested in Pine Beach should make it their business to see that these docks are fixed and kept in repair from now on. Springfield Avenue was scraped and put in good condition on Saturday. Automobile traffic is heavy on this street, and it is necessary that it should be kept in good condition. It is also necessary that warning signs be put up at either end notifying speed maniacs that the laws governing the speed of automobiles will be enforced. Some days at Springfield and Midland Avenues cars come dashing along both streets at a dangerous rate. Several times accidents have been narrowly averted, but as traffic grows heavier it will be a miracle if some one is not killed. The names of several of those who come along at break-neck speed, even of those who do not live in Pine Beach, and it will be an easy matter to have them punished when the matter is laid before the proper authorities, so a word of warning should help to moderate the speed of autos through Pine Beach. The Sunday excursions [trains] began last Sunday week ago. Last Sunday Pine Beach people who came down on the excursion did not get home until nearly 11 o'clock at night. The train was delayed at Asbury Park by the accident. The engine struck an automobile, killing three people. SEASIDE HEIGHTS According to the number of our people and the Park people who visit the movies, at Toms River, Saturday evenings, the Colonial Theatre here would be well patronized if open. Mr. M.J. Casper has opened the pavilion on the ocean front and Sumner Avenue, and has a line of fancy and useful articles on sale. The Colonial Theater opens on Saturday, May 6th, for the season; earlier than usual. The new dance hall and range of stores now being constructed on the ocean front near the carousel will be another great attraction this summer. Coming across the bridge the first thing that strikes the eye of the traveler is the big brick building that the Shamrock Contracting Co. is building on the bay front at Hamilton Avenue. Frederick J. Sayles, one of the original builders at this resort was a recent visitor from Tacony, Philadelphia. A son was born recently to his granddaughter, Mrs. Frank Underwood. Building keeps up well and the place is growing rapidly. Work has begun on fourteen new stores on the ocean front with a large dance hall on the second floor and covering the entire stores. The stores will be open on the boardwalk and will have large display windows. The dance hall, which will be one of the largest along the Atlantic coast, will be so constructed as to be sound proof. The poreation is being financed by Anton Steidle, a well-known Philadelphia business man and a large owner of property at Seaside Heights. SEASIDE PARK Borough Superintendent Aaron Wilbert has been instructed by Council to proceed with the laying of water and sewer mains throughout the tract set apart for campers, which will be located on the borough property, near the pumping station; it is an ideal location, with graveled streets on both sides and situated close to the bay. Tourists no doubt will take advantage of the borough's generosity. There were a number of visitors here on Sunday, and our real estate men say cottages are renting fast, which indicates a good season. William Heiring, of Newark, has bought the Hopper cottage on the ocean front, and is making great improvements. At Council meeting, held on Saturday, the Borough Council has authorized the purchase of a fire alarm signal, to be erected on the fire house; it will be a siren, and can be heard within a radius of twelve miles. The Easter dance, held in the ballroom of the Manhasset Hotel drew a large crowd, who danced until an early hour. The $100 Victrola was won by Mrs. Julia Brower, of Seaside Park, the holder of the lucky number. WEST CREEK Our school teachers attended the convention at Toms River last Saturday, and continue to learn that yet there is more to be learned and done. They are willing to be convinced that there is more to be learned but don't like to think they are capable of doing more, especially as they now have so much to do. But we don't intend to lie dormant, but to expand and keep up with the procession of time. Harry Jones has taken a position as brakesman on the Tuckerton R.R. R.F. Rutter recently sold his yacht, the “M.S.,” to a party from Cape May. Henry Holloway, recently appointed as traffic officer, assumed his uniform and duties on Saturday last. A very necessary action, as autoists seem to have no regard for life or law, judging from the speeding they do through this town. ADS OF INTERESTMISSED AN ISSUE?
March 1922 Part II
March 1922 Part I February 17th, 1922 February 10th, 1922 February 3rd, 1922 January 27th, 1922 January 20th, 1922 January 13th, 1922 January 6th, 1922 December 30th, 1921 December 23rd, 1921 December 16th, 1921 December 9th, 1921 December 2nd, 1921 November 25th, 1921 November 18th, 1921 November 11th, 1921 November 4th, 1921 October 28th, 1921 October 21st, 1921 October 14th, 1921 October 7th, 1921 September 30th, 1921 September 23rd, 1921 September 16th, 1921 September 9th, 1921 Enjoyed this article? Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation today!
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